150 Ese Pods Espresso In Filter Paper – 80% Robusta 20% Arabica – Blended And Roasted In Italy -Miscela Oro Nero-


Our Black Gold Pod in its ESE 1.73In. format of 1.5 oz each is a blend with strong and robust taste. 80% Robusta 20% Arabica ideal for those who love the strong and full-bodied flavor of coffee with a persistent aftertaste.

The primary ingredient is the wisdom in blending coffee and in roasting within the appropriate times and temperatures for each variety of coffee.

Our Robusta beans come from Indonesia, India, Cameroon and Uganda which give the coffee a strong aroma with a creaminess equal to that of a coffee served at a typical Italian cafe

While the Arabica from Brazil, Colombia and Costa Rica embellish the coffee with hints of citrus and flowers giving the palate an aromatic and exotic taste.

Our pods are produced with compostable paper filters that have a minimal environmental impact. Each pod contains 8 grams of coffee and is individually packaged to ensure quality and freshness.

The exquisite flavor and aroma of 100% natural coffee is roasted, grounded and packaged in our operational headquarters in Naples, in practical packs of 150 pods.

ITALIAN ESE COFFEE PODS — 150x Italian ESE (Easy Serve Espresso) roasted coffee pods in filter paper containing 7.5 g of roasted ground coffee wrapped in protective atmosphere; 44mm. Packed and produced in Napoli, the home of Italian food and drink.

Our Italian ESE coffee pods contain ground coffee specifically for use in any espresso machine which is compatible with the ESE standard, directly or with the use of an adaptor/ESE Portafilter

5 in stock

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